Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Beginning

OK so not to sound conceited or anything but I know that I am not an ugly girl; and even though I don't think I am not ugly, I feel that I could feel and look a WHOLE lot better if I were a wee bit more thin. OK not a wee bit, more like a lot of wee bits lol. Now there are a lot of pretty bigger girls but being BIG isn't for me. So I am starting this blog in hopes that it will help me lose weight. I have too many cute girls in my closet to not being wearing them. I have tried many diets and I will be OK on them for awhile, then I either get lazy or I just feel that they aren't working for me anymore. I used to be really good at working out and staying consistent with it. I don't know what happened. I guess life is what happened. But maybe this blog will get me the motivation I need to start working out again and sticking with it. I will post pictures of my progress and blog about the exercises I love the most. Don't be surprised if you see me mention Zumba alot along with Reggaeton music. Just two of my favorite things lol. Well. That's it for now. I will be posting my first before picture tomorrow. Wish me luck!!


  1. I am also just starting a weight loss journey and blogging about it. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help!

  2. Hey Keke!! Thank you very much for that. I am sure I will be hitting you up for information sometime soon lol. Everything seems so much better when its done in groups huh? Good luck to you and let me know if I can help in any way.
